Wednesday, December 8, 2010


I am sorry to say that I must tell you all good bye, or hopefully only some. This has been a great semester and through blogging I feel that we have academically grown on each other. But who really wants to write five hundred words every week. At the beginning of the semester I would have said not me however now I say five hundred is easier than writing fifty words. Coincidentally I stopped without a single thought at word fifty so maybe I am not at all a pro at this or a reliable narrator like Jane Eyre at the moment. Or it could be tiredness and fatigue from finals and choosing to blog in the middle of the night. Who really knows? But the point being is that I truly enjoyed this experience. I loved some of the novels that were presented to me. After hearing so much about The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo now that I have an idea of what is actually apart of the content of the novel I feel obligated to read it. It beckons me to its yellow, red and green cover and says, "You know you'll love me, buy me Ashaki, buy meeeeeeeee!!!!!" Okay so I am really tired but anyways. Then there is Kate Chopin's "The Awakening". Kate is a radical in her own right and I just love radicals they are so interesting and fun. Kate wrote a novel and I had no idea. Unfortunately I arrived late to class that morning however from the segments of the presentation that I did see sounds like Kate did not disappoint. The character is a woman of today stuck in the rules of over one hundred years ago. Yet she seemed to not want to fit into the behaviorism of the past but do her own thing. She put her foot down and says, "Honey, take me as I am or leave me be." is the feeling I got from the character via the presentation. So let me attempt to conclude my incoherent banter. Blogging is a great exercise for writers, its is great for creativity. Blogging is allows one to unwind, reform and put the stresses of the day down in the world wide web for everyone to see. Okay so I’m getting really tired and out of it now. Sorry but please stay with me although you might be too busy laugh cause I would be laughing right now. The point with this blogging banter is that I would continue to blog long past this class. In all truth it will most likely not be as often as everyday a week. I the feedback will not be as often because as all of us will most likely be busy with our lives but I will continue blogging. I have enjoyed reading everyone’s blogs, your thoughts, ideas, insights, interpretations and all. Now as we go out into the world we are more aware of things of gender, images and rhetoric. They view of women over the centuries, the view of gender, orientation and the view of men in society. I have to tell you all good night or day but be safe, happy and merry and GOD Bless. Oh and please don’t blog when you’re tired like I’m doing and the funny thing is that I know better right I’m telling you not to do it but here I am anyways. Yep so it’s a case of do as I say and not as I do. Goodnight everybody!


  1. Yes, as you said I am incredibly tired but wait-- like you I might also continue blogging, possibly to interact with people on a level that would otherwise be unlikely. I wonder if people would be more willing to read someone's blog than their facebook profile, considering the different format? Then there is the question of developing a following of friends that are interested in what you say monthly or you better be prepared to have a fascinating life for the voyeurs out there lol.

  2. Yes, as you said I am incredibly tired but wait-- like you I might also continue blogging, possibly to interact with people on a level that would otherwise be unlikely. I wonder if people would be more willing to read someone's blog than their facebook profile, considering the different format? Then there is the question of developing a following of friends that are interested in what you say monthly or you better be prepared to have a fascinating life for the voyeurs out there lol. Now for example, this sucks right now, writing at 3 AM about how things are wrapping up and about how blogging might still be interesting beyond a classroom where you’re forced to do it…but wait, answer me this. If you happen to go on awesome adventures during the break, does a blog not justify this hedonism. Man, why don’t you go on an adventure and write about the interesting people you see? That’s what I am going to do the rest of this year and next semester. But moms might lurk on the internetz!! Then what—we can’t write about what we want then Dang it?!

  3. I do agree with you, I feel like blogging is a great way to learn about and get closer with your classmates. I did not enjoy the 500 words every week either, but it was a great experience and I had a lot of fun and enjoyed it. I also wanted to read The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo after seeing the presentations, I have not even seen the movie yet, but I guess that’s a good thing because now it gives me the opportunity to read the novel before seeing the movie, which is always the better thing to do. The Awakening was also another novel that I was highly interested in reading as well, all of the books that were presented actually seemed very interesting and I could see myself reading them in the near future. I do see myself blogging in the future as well, I have blogged in the past, but not to the extent of what we have been doing in class, and now I have a wider variety of subjects to blog about that include gender, image, and rhetoric, and also the other subjects we have covered in class that include the media and stereotypes.
